Others: Placeholder tips and tricks
To personalize the content of your mailings, landing pages, etc., you can use placeholders such as [salutation /] or [customer number /] to insert the data of a subscriber. Input helpers are available at numerous points for this purpose.
In the following, we would like to introduce additional placeholders and options.
Account properties
You can output certain account properties, for example, to use them as part of a link URL.
Description | Input |
Account-ID | [SYSTEM key='account-id' /] |
Costomer number | [SYSTEM key='customer-number' /] |
Login-Domain | [SYSTEM key='login-domain' /] |
Redirect-Domain | [SYSTEM key='redirect-domain' /] |
Date and Time
You can output the current date or the date from a subscriber field, format it in the local language, move it in time if needed, or calculate the age of the birthday child.
Output current date
The placeholder "DATETIME" displays the current date or time. In the case of a sent mailing, this is the sending time of the respective subscriber, more precisely the moment of his personalization.
Let's assume that the mailing date is March 16, 2021:
Input | Output |
[DATETIME format='%d.%m.%y' /] | 16.03.21 |
[DATETIME format='%d. %B %Y' locale='en_US' /] | 16. March2021 |
[DATETIME format='%d.%m.%Y um %H:%M:%S Uhr' /] | 16.03.2021 at 15:34:13 Uhr |
[DATETIME format='%A, %d.%m.%Y, Calendar week %V' locale='en_US' /] | Tuesday, 16.03.2021, Calendar week 11 |
A description of all date variables can be found at http://www.php.net/manual/de/function.strftime.php
Input | Output |
[DATETIME format='%A, %Y/%m/%d' locale='en_US' /] | Tuesday, 2021/03/16 |
[DATETIME format='%A, %d. %B %Y' locale='fr_FR' /] | mardi, 16. mars 2021 |
[DATETIME format='%A, %Y/%m/%d' locale='es_ES' /] | martes, 16. marzo 2021 |
[DATETIME format='%A, %d. %B %Y' locale='mk_MK' /] | вторник, 16. март 2021 |
[DATETIME format='%A, %d. %B %Y' locale='nl_NL' /] | dinsdag, 16. maart 2021 |
[DATETIME format='%A, %d. %B %Y' locale='ro_RO' /] | marți, 16. martie 2021 |
[DATETIME format='%A, %d. %B %Y' locale='sl_SI' /] | torek, 16. marec 2021 |
emma currently supports the following language variants:
Output date from subscriber field
All the formatting described above can also be used to output the value of a subscriber field of the type "date" or "date and time". Here, the format parameter 'date' must be used additionally. Assume that the subscriber field has the alias "Event start":
Input | Output |
The event starts on [event start format='date %A, %d. %B %Y' locale='en_US' /] at [event start format='date %H:%M' /] clock. | The event will begin at 3:30 p.m. on Thursday, May 27, 2021. |
Move date in time
The "adjustment" parameter can be used to shift the output date in time. Suppose the shipping date is March 16, 2021, and you want to subtract 2 weeks:
Input | Output |
[DATETIME format='%d.%m.%Y' adjustment='-2 weeks' /] | 02.03.2021 |
Likewise, this is possible for the date of a subscriber field. Suppose the subscriber field with ID 5 (please do not use the alias) contains the date 12/31/1984 and you want to add 3 days:
Input | Output |
[DATETIME base='%{5}' format='%d.%m.%Y' adjustment='+3 days' /] | 03.01.1985 |
Output date difference
The "DATEDIFF" function outputs the difference between two date values, for example between shipping date and subscriber field date. Suppose the subscriber field has ID 5 (please do not use the alias):
Input | Output |
Happy [DATEDIFF start='now +1 days' end='%{5}' format='%y' /]. Birthday! |
Happy 36th birthday! |
Your birthday was [DATEDIFF start='now' end='%{5}' format='%y years, %m months and %d days' /] ago. | Your birthday was 36 years, 2 months and 13 days ago. |
The content of a subscriber field of type "Country selection" can be output in any country language. Assume that the subscriber field has the alias "Country":
Input | Output |
[Land format='country name' locale='en_EN' /] | Germany |
[Land format='country name' locale='de_DE' /] | Deutschland |
The language codes correspond to the examples in the section 'Format date in local language'.
If you have created mailing tags to evaluate your mailing statistics in groups in the Export Wizard, then you can also output the tags in the mailing, e.g. as part of a link URL.
Input | Output |
[MAILING-TAG name='editor' default='value if name not found' /] |
Erika sample editor |
Multiline text field
To actually output the contents of a subscriber field of type "MultilineText" in multiple lines, emma can automatically convert the contained line breaks to an HTML line break <br />.
Suppose the subscriber field has the alias "MultilineTextField" and contains two lines of text:
Input | Output |
[MultilineTextField /] | Line1Line2 |
[MultilineTextField transform='eol-to-br' /] | Line 1 Line 2 |
The second variant has the advantage that you do not have to include HTML line breaks in the field contents, which would be visible as <br /> in the text version of your multipart mailing.
Description | Input |
Subscriber-ID | [FIELD property='subscriber-id' /] |
Mailing-ID | [SYSTEM key='email-id' /] |